My Top 5 Travel Apps

Evening Guys,

I thought I would talk a little bit about my top 5 apps I found most helpful during my recent trip. I think most of the apps on this list are a must for anyone backpacking.

Trail Budget- This is the perfect app to keep on top of your finances. If you are travelling for an extended period of time, you will have set yourself a daily budget that you will try and stay on most days. Of course, there will be days you will go over it. However, there will also be days when you stay well under it. It’s all about maintaining a balance and tracking where your money is going. This app allows you to enter throughout the day how much you are spending and on what. It allows you to look back throughout your trip to see where your money has gone. This is the best way to keep an eye on how much you are spending and on what. I can not recommend a budget tracking app enough. I’ve tried a few out and this particular one I found the best.

Converter- This was my most used app throughout the trip. I cannot explain how helpful it was to have an app where you could enter in the price of something in say Dong or Bhat and it comes straight up in Dollars for you. This particular one I have has every currency you can think off. It actually has the Irish Pound which has been out of uses since the early 2000s.

Hostelworld- If you are backpacking around then you’ll more than likely be staying in hostels most of the time. Hostleworld is the number one website for booking hostels. So I mean yeah the app is a must have for any backpacker. You can book directly from it and save the details to your passbook on your iPhone. I found the reviews that people left on the site very helpful when choosing different hostels.

Google Maps- Another app that I used on the daily. There is literally no other way to go about it. Google maps have a feature where you can download an area and use it without any data. Perfect for when you are out of reach of wifi.

Pinterest- Yeah I know random. I came upon using Pinterest toward the middle of our trip and I found so many different articles on there. It is a wealth of information. There are so many different articles recommending everything from what to do to where to eat.  My friend, I was travelling with introduced me to using Pinterest in this way and it actually was so useful.


Other apps that came in handy:

Trip advisor- For obvious reasons. Mainly on where to eat.

Uber- In the cities that had uber it was the handiest thing. We didn’t have to barter with the local taxi men. Uber was far cheaper ranging from $1-2, and it came straight out of my account.

Hope you guys found this post helpful. If you have any other recommendations to apps I am missing out on drop me a comment.

Till next time,

Em X

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